
006After finishing my sixteenth post, it is ABOUT time that I tell you a little ABOUT me. I am a very happy person. I have every reason to be, and I choose to be. You will soon find through reading my articles that I want every person to be happy. I believe with all of my heart that God created us to be happy and to spread His joy to every person we come in contact with, hence making the world a happy place to exist while growing and learning and inhabiting the earth for His glory.

There have been nine major events in my life that I consider milestones. I counted them because I recently received a charm bracelet, and I had to make a list of the charms I want to receive over the next nine Valentine’s Days.

about2The first Major Life Event, without a second thought ,was when I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of five in my grandfather’s church. I was no longer afraid to gAbout13o to sleep at night, and this one major event is, without a doubt, the most important one of all. Everything else in my life is built upon this foundation. Fast forward through many happy childhood days in a very loving family who taught me by words and example right from wrong, good from bad, smart from stupid, wise from unwise etc. Thank you Mom, Dad, and Ann.

About10Meeting, dating, loving, and marrying Larry was the second Major Life Event. Fast forward through my first job as a special education teacher in a public school and partnering with Larry in a network marketing business which taught us tons about life and gave us valuable lifelong friendships, but left us with only a little change in our pocket but great change in our self-image, growth in our spiritual life, and  the way that we looked at life in general.

about4Those were truly important events, but the third major event was the birth of our first son Rockford Manley Jordan. What a life-changing glorious event that was, and it led to the greatest joys of our lives in helping and watching him grow into the fine man he is. No one could care more for his family and develop lifelong friendships like Rocky does. He is loyal, full of wisdom, compassion, witty humor, and talent which he uses for God. He has a heart for worship and leading others to a closeness with God through worship and he can do anything he sets his mind to.

about7Fast forward through the first six years of his life and the beginning of homeschooling to the birth of our second son, Nicholas Sterling Jordan as the fourth Major Life Event. Now Rocky has a little brother and the family seems complete. Nick adds to the joy of the family. Over the years, he has been an amazing example of making life look easy and fun because he just flows with it and trusts God. Our life was truly enriched having the two boys, but apparently God felt we were not complete.

about5Just twenty-three months after Nick was born, He gave us Jay Christopher Jordan, as my fifth Major Life Event. Our friends laughed because we felt unprepared for a third child. God laughed because He knew what joy would be added to the family. His name means “quick and lively,” and he still is! He is quick to follow God and dedicated to having all God has for him and being all God wants him to be. He has, since birth, been alive to all that was going on around him, seeking to put the most into it and get the most out of it.

about6Keep in mind, that all through these Major Life Events, Larry and I are as close as any two people could be, continuing date nights almost every Friday night, going through life stuff, praying and praising our way through as best we could while loving and nurturing our three boys and each other.

The sixth Major Life Event for me was taking the step outside the home and becoming a teacher, and later principal, of the school sponsored by our church. Much like home school, forty students from twenty-five families met to get a Christian education while seeds of God’s word were daily planted into their lives in order to give them the foundation they would need to be leaders in a changing world. During this time, I was privileged to have my life changed and enriched by the students, their parents and dear friends who taught alongside me.

about3The seventh Major Life Event could be described in a page of its own, but it was our family move to Myrtle Beach. It was the greatest, clearest directive either of us had ever received from the Lord. It was miraculous and challenging and has proven to be the best thing we could have done to step higher into God’s plan for our lives.

about9All five of us made the move to Myrtle Beach, but Rocky found out he did not love the beach and soon went back. Nick also made his way back to North Carolina later after his graduation from high school, which leads to Major Life Event number eight. We finally get a daughter. We welcomed Taylor into the family as Nick’s bride. They literally “met” in the nursery at church and grew up together. We are so proud of the life they have started together. This precious marriage is such an example of love, friendship, devotion,  joy, expectation and trust in the Lord.

Event number nine has not fully happened yet. We are awaiting the birth of Emmerson Laine any day now. I will be including the Adventures of Gramma in forthcoming writings, I am certain.

Through all of the nine events and all of the other lessons, events, and adventures in between, God has been our Everything! Nothing is more important to me than that my children and their families love and serve God all the days of their lives. For without Him we would be nothing at all.

about12The tenth event, not yet fulfilled has begun through these writings. It is the completion and publication of a book called Dare to Be Happy. It’s purpose is to challenge Christians and others to find the courage to reach inside of them and have the life that God intended for them to have. Being happy is a challenge. There are multiple roadblocks and hindrances that are designed to prevent us from being truly happy, yet in actuality they are our stepping stones toward the life of joy God has planned for us and made possible through His Son, Jesus.  Do we dare step out and overcome our difficulties and enjoy our journey here on the earth? I have taken that dare and I invite you and others to do the same.


  1. Sharon, I feel sp blessed to read your blogs & was there through so much of your life. Particularly the part of meeting & falling in love with Larry. I felt I played a small part in that. I am so proud of you & can bare out the fact that you have always been a loving & happy person. Love you & so happy to know we are family.

    1. Thanks, Pat! You defintely played a huge part in this! I felt the whole story was almost too long or I would have included so much about camp and being youth leader before that which was when Uncle Larry came as a speaker and that led to you all inviting me to be a part! That was an amazing experience and could have easily been included as a major life event. It is amazing the little steps that lead to bigger things. I am very blessed indeed to have the wonderful extended family that has planted into my life over the years! Hugs to you and your family!

  2. Wow! Sharon. .please put me on the list for an autographed copy of “Dare to Be Happy”..!! Do you desire a traveling companion when you start your book tours? I know you already have your own worship team in place!! I am soooo proud of you and excited for you!! You may not realize it but you are a walking, living book to many….i love and admire you so….😍

  3. I’m sorry it’s taken me until now to read this. You truly have a blessed life. God has been great to you, and you also have the wonderful mindset to ensure that happiness is a part of your life. I very much enjoyed reading this, and I pray that the great blessings continue for you. I know they will : )

  4. Amen for your testimony, Shary! I LOVE the title of the book you are birthing – Dare to Be Happy and I am so THERE, well actually, i’m on my happy journey 🙂 You are right, it definitely takes courage to go after the happiness that God desires for us. Pray my strength in the Lord. Peace & blessings to you and your family! http://www.lifeafterbreath00.com

  5. This is absolutely great and am loving this,I could learn and have most of my questions answered just by reading this blog.Thank you very much for sharing an awesome story.I will keep my eye out for more.

  6. Hi
    I have a nominated you for a few awards please free to pick and choose which ones you want.
    I think you deserve them all should you choose to accept them.

    Check out my page in “awards”

    1. I am glad you dropped by. I don’t quite understand how awards work. I will try to figure it out. Meanwhile, I appreciate the thought. Happy writing!

  7. Amen. I believe the same way. God wants us to be happy and tough stuff that steals that will happen. However, we have a choice and we can choose happy. I too am in the process of writing and publishing books. Will you self publish or be submitting manuscripts to publishers? At any rate, good luck with it. It’s so awesome to follow our dreams like that! It sounds like a great book idea to me! P.S. Supported you by “liking” your FB page. Also, I tried to comment from my Twitter account (which is what I prefer), but for some reason it won’t let me.

    1. Bekah, Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I plan to self-publish. I am taking Tribe Writers course with Jeff Goins and trying to follow the steps. I am at the point of learning how to write and e book. Have you done that, yet. Would love to read it if you have. I don’t do much on twitter, yet, but I believe that is something else I need to do. I am reaching out, and learning so much by reading what others have written. I am encouraged by what wonderful, Christian people I am finding with common sense, wit, and communication skills. I am inspired.

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am so glad you liked it. I think you and your blog are just lovely. Happy to read more! Great job with ‘my 500 words’ 🙂

    1. I don’t think I got back to you, Ilka, but I do appreciate the awards. I didn’t get a chance to follow through so much has been going on. The best to you! Keep writing!

  9. Enjoyed reading your about page and the milestones which have brought you to the here and now. Isn’t life with Him exciting? I’m a happy person too, and I strive to bring joy to others. Look forward to getting to know you. Thanks for stopping by my blog and “liking” my Simply Sunday post.

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